"Nelson and the Magic Cauldron - The Journey" is officially released on Steam!
It was a great project and I am very proud of the result. Many thanks to all the supporters and helpers who made the game possible.
I hope you all had a good and healthy start to the new year. 2022 is off to a good start with the Steam release of Nelson 2 on 28 January. In addition, my new adventure project on Kickstarter starts on 9 January. I hope you will join me again this time.
“Orbital Cargo Division” is a tense science fiction story with – as always – a lot of humor. But this time, the game will be created in crisp pixel art.
Orbital Cargo Division
9. Januar 2022
The english Trailer for "Nelson and the Magic Cauldron - The Journey" is online.
The Halloween Update 2021 is available on the kickstarter page.
The march update 2021 is available on the kickstarter page.
Thanks to all supporters for the opportunity to create Nelson 2. A very special thanks goes to Willem, who supported me more than any other person.
Thank you again for your trust. I'll do my best to create the funniest point and click adventure ever. Nelson really deserves a sequel.
The Prototype development of Nelson 2 with Unity has already started
Woohoooo!!! The financing is done - I can't thank you enough for that.
Special thanks, of course, go to Willem for the extraordinary support.
But who knows, maybe we'll still manage one or the other stretch goal. After all, it's only halfway through. :)
Thank you very much for your support.
First of all: sorry for my english. :)
The end of the 80s was the heyday of adventure games for me. Various programs from Sierra and Lucasarts were the highlight in the games sector and still set the bar very high for narrative games.
But where have all the players gone who used to puzzles with enthusiasm? Is it because the interest has flattened and the gamers from back then now have to worry more about work and family? Or is there an oversupply of adventure games these days thanks to engines like Unity, Godot, AGS and Visionaire Studio?
Maybe a little of both. Above all, the younger generation seems to be more likely to pounce on other genres.
After all, the game element "Adventure" is often part of a representative of another genre. Even if it doesn't say "Action Adventure", but rather "Role Play", there are mostly adventure-based dialog systems or smaller logic puzzles. The classic point & click seems to have a very difficult time these days. Even "Beneath a Steal Sky" switched from the 2D pixel art style in the sequel "Beyond a Steal Sky" to 3D including a shoulder perspective.
Is it still worth creating a classic 2D point & click adventure with hand-drawn backgrounds? Unfortunately, even a well-drawn project like "Shakes & Fidget" didn't make it on Kickstarter.
The first part of "Nelson and the Magic Cauldron" only made it in the second attempt, but only because the first goal was 2000 EUR. Of course you can't produce an adventure from it, the money should only be used for music production. I contributed the rest of the costs (translation, hardware, software, online advertising, ...) myself, so it was not 2500 EUR (the goal achieved on kickstarter) but rather 5000 EUR.
This sum also looks pretty small. That is because I did not have to pay myself a salary for several hundred hours of work (drawing, animating, programming, conceptualizing, writing, ...). If it did, the game would have had a budget of an estimated 40,000 EUR. In addition, the speakers spoke all of this voluntarily and with a lot of passion.
The income from sales on Steam or in Apple's AppStore doesn't even cover the purchase of the hardware and software for the project. Sad but unfortunately reality.
I am very curious to see Nelson 2 will reach the 5000 EUR. Even that means for me that my own work has to be booked as a hobby.
So the question remains: Where did the adventure gamers go?
It's time to announce that a new Kickstarter campaign is live: The sequel to "Nelson and the Magic Cauldron". This time, the game should be much more complex and will have more puzzles. I need your help again. Please send all your friends the link to the Kickstarter project.
Everything is ready. The kickstarter for the sequel to Nelson will start sometime in august 2020.
I could start to work on a second adventure game with this material. :)
It's Halloween! Because of that, I have a very nice gift for you. There will be a 10% discound at the steam sale.
I wish you Happy Halloween.
Steamseite von Nelson
Nelson and the Magic Cauldron is now available for iPhone / iPad on the App Store.
App Store
You can vote for "Nelson and the Magic Cauldron" at the "Deutscher Computerspielpreis 2019". With a little luck you may win one of the cool prices.
Please vote here:
to the voting
The development of more game prototypes is marching on. I worked on three prototypes in the last three weeks - all in the world of Nelson (Platformer, TopDown RPG and Turn Based Strategy). But I will work on a different prototype now. More infos about this project will be released later. I need to work on a lot of graphics first.
Christmas is coming. Because of that, I have a very nice gift for you. There will be a 10% discound at the steam sale.
I wish you a very pleasant christmas.
Steamseite von Nelson
There were some little but annoying bugs which needed to be fixed:
Because of technical problems, the adventure is not available for Android on Google Play right now. I will give you an update, as soon as I can.
The adventure will be released at the 22nd of november for Windows, Mac and Linux on steampowered. Here is the link to the steam page:
Steam page of Nelson
So Friends, the Trailer of Nelson and the Magic Cauldron has arrived ... and the release date. The game will be released at the 22nd of november on steam for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Have fun
[Kickstarter Update #17]
[YouTube Trailer]
Next milestone reached - release this year
[Kickstarter Update #16]
While putting everything together, I found two very nice outtakes of our recordings (only german). Have fun.
Outtake #1 - Nelson
Outtake #2 - Witch
At this point I am "Leaking" a concept graphic for a possible Nelson and the Magic Cauldron spin-off. The Journey of Nelson should continue even after the adventure game. If this will be produced is based on the success of the adventure. But I really want to create this game ... and have a lot of crazy ideas.
Awesome day at the Gamescom 2018 in collogne. Maybe next year I can show my game at the Indie Booth. Who knows.
Voice recording and printed Artbook
[Kickstarter Update #15]
Two Rewards - a short update
[Kickstarter Update #14]
Box Version, English Translation and Voice Recording.
[Kickstarter Update #13]
Today the printed box by [www.Letterjazz.com] has arrived. The look and feel with the stamped letters and embellishments is fantastic. There is only one ingredient left to be created ... and of course the finished game.
Another new ingame area, gamepad support, and much more.
[Kickstarter Update #12]
New ingame area, playtime, voice recording and more.
[Kickstarter Update #11]
Hello everybody,
in the new update I would like to inform you about the timetable. But first, I like to tell you, that the game is completely playable!!! That was a mountain of work and I am happy to reach this milestone. I will have to test everything to get a feeling about the playtime.
Changes since the last update
What I could not show in the Kickstarter-Update are the two screens for Options and Save/Load. Here are two images of these full functionally screens. If you are reading my blog or you are following me on Instagram, you might have seen these already.
I will have to do a lot of finetuning and testing until April. After these tests the text will be translated (don't worry, not by me).
We could start the voice recording in summer. Not all speakers are found by now, but it should be shortly. Hopefully the studio is ready after the modification.
If everything is going by plan, the game could be ready at the end of this year. It will be downloadable for the bakers first. The Box-Version could take a little bit longer. But the digital version can be downloaded by them, too.
Stay tuned and thank you very much
- Manuel
[Kickstarter Update #10]
The music for Nelson and the Magic Cauldron is funded.
Thanks to all bakers for the support to create the music for this point and click adventure.
I will post an update when the next step of the development is done. You will see new ingame material soon.
Stay tuned and thank you very much
- Manuel
Nelson and the Magic Cauldron will be enhanced by a exclusive box version by Letterjazz. But it can only be purchased unitl the 26th of december, when the campagne will end.
In the golden age of roleplaying and adventure games the games where sold in a wunderful printed box including printed handbooks, maps and much more - next to a pile of discs for the game itself. Even opening the box should transport the athmosphere of the game.
The box of the game 'Nelson and the Magic Cauldron' will have a wunderful printed and stamped surface. It will include a map, some special game cards and probably some secret surprises. The game itself will be on a stylish USB stick.
The game is already successfully funded on Kickstarter. Many adventure fans asked for a box version, so now is the time to reveal it. A normal box version can be produced by many people, but a box of this quality can only done by letterjazz. The classic printing machines fit perfect for a classic point & click adventure.
- Manuel
[Kickstarter Update #6]
The music for the game is funded! Thank you! You guys are really awesome!
Thanks to all bakers for the support to create the game with all the music. A very special thanks goes out to my pal Peter, who supported the campagne more than any other person.
The first goal is done, but I would love to reach the second one, too.
We will see...
Thank you very much for believing in me. I will do my best to create the funniest point & click adventure possible.
- Manuel
The german clinic "Klinikum Dortmund" started a social media live session a couple of month ago. With discourses of the doctors the clinic reaches a wide range of people. Because of that, there will be two characters inspired by these sessions in the adventure game. As a homage of course.
A new area in the game
The last area, which has to be created, is the dungeon. This will be hopefully finished this weekend.
Kickstarter goal
Right now we reached 75%. But we are not at 100%. Please tell all your people about this adventure game.
Thank you.
[Nelson at Kickstarter]
The castle courtyard
The well in the castle courtyard is a special scene where you can meet the baron and - later - the frog. There has to be a frog around, when you have a well in the game. :)
But I don't want to spoiler all events in this scene.
The witches lair
This scene can be reached from the treehouse and the lair is unterneath the tree. You should recognize the three people on the pictures and the three skulls on the backwall shelf. :)
The shop of the blacksmith
Here you can by all disgusting items in the game. For example, some game souvenirs like a doll of a ingame character. You will see the result in the game after I finished drawing all items.
Kickstarter goal
Right now we reached 59%. But we are not at 100%. Please tell all your people about this adventure game and this campagne. You could tell them, a cute kitten somewhere in this world will die, if we don't reach 100%. It is just an advice. :)
[Nelson at Kickstarter]
I continue working on the game scenes while the kickstarter campagne is still running. Today I finished the hospital and put it into the game. More details about the scene will be released soon. One or two new characters will be added. You should be curious.
Nearly all game scenes / backgrounds are finished. Three more - and a labyrinth / dungeon - need to be completed soon. Detailed sketches of new scenes are finished. This fall, all scenes should be completed.
Right now we reached 52%. Thank you for your support. This is awesome, but we are not at 100%. Please tell all your friends about this magical adventure and why everyone in this world should support it.
The new Kickstarter campagne of "Nelson and the Magic Cauldron" is now online.
You will find all information and the campagne video here:
Please support this project and tell all your friends about Nelson.
Thank you.
On the 27th of August (at eight o'clock (CET)) the new kickstarter campaign of 'Nelson and the Magic Cauldron' will start - after gamescom. The countdown on the webpage is already working. The goal is to receive the money for the music/sound production. Hopefully enough for talkie, new content and new platforms, too. Please save the date and help as good as you can and like to.
The remaining talking animations and the map are finished - lightmaps, too. The new main menue needs little adjustments with the options. Saving and loading will be testet this weekend. Some indoor scenes and details has to be drawn and after this the dialogs and quests can be added one by one.
Additionally the blog will be provided as RSS fedd from now on under the following link: http://magiccauldron.de/blog.xml
Edit [2018-08-03]: This RSS Feed will be closed. The RSS support of other software developers is sadly running out. Please check on the news directly in the blog.
The Tavern had to be drawn, too. A couple of scenes are missing, but not many are left to do.
I added multiple choise dialogues including graphics (see Instagram posting ).
The game could be released in 2018. This fall the new kickstarter campaign will help me to finish the game. I can draw anything by myself, but I am no musician and I need some voice talents for a talkie version. It all depends on your help.
Additionally I created a new website for Nelson. I am curious about your feedback.
Here you will see the drawing of the cemetry for the point & click adventure as a time lapse video. You can watch my steps od procedure in less than three minutes. I might add some detail at later. By weekend I should have the scene working in Visionaire Studio, so that Nelson can walk in it.
Today I will like to show the progress in the development. I added the interface (picture 1), which is a not the final status. The pumpkin will show the menu, the map is for fast traveling and the cauldron will turn on/off the inventory. You will be able to travel to any place of the map (picture 2), as long as the story will let you. The windmill (picture 3) is now animated. I will show this in one of the next gameplay videos.
Here is the first version of "Nelson and the Magic Cauldron" with Visionaire Studio. I was surprised, how fast the development with this software is. But there is still a lot of work to do. For example the missing talking animations fpr the NPCs and Nelson is still walking to the side.
I created a lot of sketches for scenes the last days. They will be hopefully colorized this weekend. The main graphics for the game will be finished and I am able to start the construction of the game. Despite all the tests and prototypes, Nelson will be a classic point & click adventure game with a lot of humor.
This weekend I had some time to create some scetches for the new location "the cemetry" and a carriage, which will be placed in another scene. All scetches will be coloured in a couple of days.
Additionally, I need to create a couple of new characters and animations for the existing scenes in the game. This will be a lot of work for the next month.
The development of "Nelson and the Magic Cauldron" has been started. This week the running animation of Nelson has been completely renewed. With the new version of the Adventure Creator all previous scenes were recreated. In addition, there is now a map of the world of Nelson. More information will follow shortly in this dev blog.